Game A

You’re feeling virtuous. Let’s see what the school emails have in store. Actually, you’re just afraid someone sent embarrassing photos of you fighting a crow and losing by the Kamogawa last night to the Line group. School emails seem safer.

The first email is from Caitlin-sensei. The subject line reads: “EMERRRRGENCYYYYYY!!!”

Knowing her style, you think this probably means she found a Noh performance for tomorrow and she wants everyone to go. Still, you have your phone open the email.

“I am in major crisis and need HeelLPPLPLP for a special visiting guest. The guest neeEEEEEEdss gift cards. Can you PLEASE go to the Family Eleven Mart and buy us iTunes gift cards? any amount preferably 5000 yen thanks”

This seems off. Prof. Caitlin is casual but this is a little extreme. And shouldn’t KCJS be paying her enough that she can buy her own iTunes gift cards? Yet you also know the pain of needing iTunes gift cards because you can’t spend money on the Japanese app store with your American credit card. Hmm.

What do you do?