This delightful comedy (2005) follows hard-working 30-something Miki (Hayashi), recently named Japan’s Miss Peach, in her quest to represent her country and win Miss Fruit International. As she strives in memory of the son she gave up for adoption as a teen, she must deal with conniving big-breasted rivals, scheming watermelon girls, and budding new love.
Though this film is humorous and, at times, almost slapstick, it represents a sad moment in Japanese pornographic film history: this was star Hayashi Yumika’s last film, released after her accidental death at the age of 35. Hayashi was a beloved and prolific star, known as the Queen of AV, having appeared in 200 adult video productions and 180 other productions, including pink films like Miss Peach. Directing her and fellow star Kaoru Sakurako in this film is actress-turned-director Yoshiyuki Yumi. Known as one of the most prominent female pink directors, Yoshiyuki brings to her films an uncommon sensitivity and attention to female subjectivity, even in the midst of the comedy of Miss Peach.